
Report About Testicular Cancer

The words I hadn't heard before (or maybe had just forgotten) in this clip were إستأصل and تناسلية. I hope these transcriptions/translations are useful for you and if there is anything different you would like to see (different types of videos, longer vocab lists, more explanation) then please leave a comment letting me know.

يحمل هذا الرجل على عاتقه مهمة نشر الوعي بالمرض سرطان الخسية الذي عانى منه في السابق. فقبل 9 سنوات إكتشف دارن عن طريق الصدفة أنه مصاب بهذا المرض

This man is carrying on his shoulders a mission of spreading awareness about testicular cancer which he previously suffered from. 9 years ago Darren was shocked to discover that he had this disease.

عندما أخبرني الطبيب بأني مصاب بسرطان الخسية أردت الحصول على معلومات إضافية عن هذا المرض لكنني لم اجد معلومات متاحة. إنها قررت أن أقوم بحملات لتوعية بهذا المرض.

When the doctor informed me that I had testicular cancer I wanted to get additional information about the disease but I couldn't find any information available. So, I decided to undertake campaigns to raise awareness about this disease.

إستأصل الأطباء إحدى خسيتي دارن لكنه إستطاع الإنجاب بعد ذلك و ألف كتاب عن تجربته مع المرض.

Doctors removed one of Darren's testicles but he was still able to have children afterward. And he authored a book about his experience with the disease.

عندما يبلغ إبني 12 سأنصحه بالفحص الدوري أيضاً لأن هناك إحتمال كبير لإصابته.

When my son reaches 12 years old I will recommend regular examinations to him also because there is a big chance that he might get the disease.

ينصح دارن إبنه و أخوه بتلك النصيحة لأن مسببات للإصابة بسرطان الخسية غير معروفة حتى الآن في ما عدا إحتمال الإصابة الوراثية. و اليوم يشع أمل جديد بعد كشف علمي يساعد في تحديد الطبيعة الجينية لهذا المرض الذي يصيب رجال في سن مبكر. فلأول مرة إستطاع علماء في هذا المختبر أن يتعرف على 3 عناصر وراثية مسببة للمرض. و ذلك بعد أن وجدوا أن المصابين جميعاً يشتبكون في عناصر وراثية متشابهة غير موجودة عند الأصحاء.

Darren gives this recommendation to his son and his brother because the causes of testicular cancer are unknown even up til now except for the possibility of inheriting the disease. Today hope shines anew after a scientific discovery helps to define the genetic nature of this disease that afflicts young men. For the first time scientists in this lab are able to know 3 inherited factors that cause the disease. This is after they found that everyone with the disease shares similar inherited factors that are not found among the healthy.

الدراسة أظهرت لنا أن العناصر الوراثية التي تعرفنا عليها مهمة لنمو و تطور خلاية تناسلية.

The study showed us that the inherited factors that we studied are important for the growth and development of the reproductive cells.

و تشير الأحصاءات إلى أن نسبة الإصابة بالمرض هي 7 لكل 100,000 رجل في العالم و أن هناك زيادة في نسب الإصابة بالمرض في ال50 سنة الأخيرة. و تسجل برطانية وحدها 2000 حالة إصابة بسرطان الخسية كل عام.

And the statistics point out that the percentage of cases of the disease is 7 for every 100,000 men in the world and that there has been an increase in the percentage of cases of the disease in the last 50 years. Britain alone records 2000 cases of testicular cancer every year.

يأمل العلماء هنا في أن يتعرفوا على باقية العناصر الوراثية المسببة لهذا المرض في خلال 3 إلى 5 سنوات مما يمكنهم من إكتشاف قابلية الإصابة به في وقت مبكر و تطوير علاج من دون تدخل جراحي.

The scientists here hope that within 3 to 5 years they can discover the rest of the inherited factors resulting in this disease which would enable them to uncover the susceptibility (of a person) to the disease early and to develop treatment without invasive surgery.


  • عاتق - shoulder
  • نشر الوعي - spreading awareness
  • الخسية - testicle
  • صدفة - shock (literally and figuratively just like in English)
  • إستأصل - to remove (as in by surgery)
  • الإنجاب - giving birth
  • ألف - to author (spelled just like the word for 1000 except there is a shadda over the ل)
  • ما عدا - except for
  • إحتمال - probability or chance
  • تناسلي - reproductive, sexual, genital
  • قابلية - here it means susceptibility, but it really means "able to accept". For example, قابلية الشفاء means curability, basically, able to accept a cure (as in a disease).


Fishing with Electricity in Iraq

While the majority of the passage is in MSA, there were 2 or 3 Iraqi words in this report from Al-Jazeera that I wasn't able to make out. If you happen to know them please let me know so I can improve. I marked them with underscores. After the text I put a list of the words that I thought might be difficult or new.

كل الطرق متاحة لصيد السمك فلا رقابة و لا رادعة. في السابق كان صيد بصعق كهربائي على سبيل المثال يُدخل صاحبه إلى السجن. لكنه الآن متاح حتى لو أثر بشكل مباشر على الحيات المائية كلها.

Every method is allowed in fishing because there is no supervision and no restrictions. In the past, fishing with electric shock for example would put you in jail, but now it is permissible even though it has a direct effect on all the aquatic life.

والله هسة إحنا نتمنى من الله و من هاي الحكومة أن تمنع هاي... هدول ال... مني آني و ____. يعني ____ كل الكهرباء إلي ينزله من الحجاج و من الحمرا و التكريت يعني يكتل ويبيد آلاف مألفة من السمك.

I swear, now we hope from God and from this government that they prevent those (methods).... All the electricity they are getting from Al-Hujaj and from Al-Hamra and from Tikrit kills and exterminates thousands upon thousands of fish. (I'm not 100% sure of the second place name he mentions or of the blanks I left. The guy is speaking Iraqi dialect and while I know what he means, I don't get every individual word.)

و بعد تدهور الأوضاع الأمنية و صعوبة نقل السمك من صلاح الدين إلى بغداد و باقي المحافظات ترك الصيادون مهنتهم. لكنهم بدأوا بالعودة من جديد. و بسبب إنحسار المياه و قلة الرعاية للثروة السمكية في البلد أخذوا بإتباع أسوأ الأساليب في الصيد.

And after the deterioration of the security and the difficulty in transporting fish from Salah Al-Deen to Baghdad and the surrounding districts, the fishermen left their profession. But they have begun to return again and because of the dropping water levels and the lack of protection for the wealth of fish, they started to follow the worst of methods in fishing.

رجعنا للزراعة... من بعد هاي اعاد... جت الأمان هنا و صار أمان و صحوة و هاذ فمارسنا عملنا مثل ما كناها بالوقت السابق.

We returned to farming, and after that the peace returned, peace came back and there was a reawakening and such and so we started working like we used to in the past.

و تمثل بحيرة الثرثار اكبر مخازن المياه في العراق. المكان الأمثل لصيد الأسماك. لكن المعاناه تكمن في غلاء اسعار الوقود المشغل لقوارب الصيد مع غلاء اسعار الشباك.

Tharthar Lake represents the biggest reserve of water in Iraq; the best place for fishing. But the problems are hidden in the high prices of fuel the fishing boats use and the high prices of the nets.

تخريب كبير. مو فقط بالأسماك يعني إستخدام المفرقعات و إستخدام المواد السامة في صيد الأسماك إلي رح يلوث المياه. مو هو صح. رح يحصل على سمك و رح يستفاد من عندها لكن من جانب آخر قد يأدي إلى تلوث المياه.

Lots of destruction. Not only for the fish, but using explosives and using poison in fishing is what pollutes the water. It's not right. A man will get fish and will benefit from it, but on the other hand it might lead to pollution.

في النهر خير كثير. و يتباه الصيادون بأحجام الأسماك التي إصطادوها خلال الفترة السابقة من عملهم. و هم يأكدون اليوم أن الأسماك الكبيرة لم يعد لها وجود كما في السابق لأن عمليات الصعق و المتفجرات تقتل ما حولها إضافة إلى الإهمال الحكومية و عدم الدعم للصيادين.

At the river all is well. The fishermen pay attention to the sizes of the fish they have caught during the previous period of their work. And they emphasize that today the big fish are no longer as prevalent as they used to be because the shock operations and the explosives which kill everything around. This is in addition to the negligence of the government and the lack of support for the fishermen.

ربما تكون الأسماك العراقية المستفيد الوحيد من تردي الأوضاع الأمنية فقد غادر الصيادون ديارها و بعد تحسن الأوضاع الأمنية في هذه المناطق, عاد الصيادون. و لكنهم بدأوا يستخدمون الصعق الكهربائي و يلقاء بعض المتفجرات مما أثر على الثروة المائية في المنطقة. عامر الكبيسي. الجزيرة. من محافظة صلاح الدين.

Perhaps the Iraqi fish were the sole beneficiaries of the collapse of security because the fishermen left their homes (the fishes homes) but after the improvement of the security in these regions, returned. But they have begun to use electric shocks and throw explosives which effect the aquatic wealth of the region. Omar Kubaisi. Al-Jazeera. From Salah Al-Deen district.

Vocabulary List:
  1. رادعة - This is one of the words I had never heard before. It means "prevention", "deterring", "impeding", "restriction" and things of that nature.
  2. هسة - This word is used in the Iraqi and Levantine dialects. It means "now" and is a condensed form of the 2 words "هذه الساعة".
  3. يبيد - "to exterminate". This root is used in the word for "pesticides" مبيدات الحشرات.
  4. إنحسار - I had to look this word up as I had never seen it before. I thought they were saying إنحصار at first which means a "restriction or limitation", but I didn't think that made sense here. Then I listened again and he's saying a س and not a ص. This word means "a subsiding or drop" as in water levels. It has a lot of other meanings too, but that's really common for Arabic.
  5. صحوة - "reawakening". There is a group of armed forces in Iraq that call themselves الصحوة.
  6. كمن - "to be hidden"
  7. لم يعد - This phrase means "no longer". It's not something that you can logically work out by combining the definition of each word so you just have to memorize that لم and يعد together means "no longer".
  8. تردي - At first I thought this word was ترد and that he was just putting a كسرة on the end of it, but I couldn't work out a translation for the sentence. So I thought that it must be another word. I looked up ردى in the Hans Wehr and it turns out that it means "to deteriorate". Even after studying MSA for a long time and feeling like I know the language pretty well I will still find several words, even in a passage like this, that I don't know.


Naya: I wish بتمنى

Naya نايا is a new Arab pop singer and as far as I know this is the only song that she's done. I think she'll be pretty popular. She smoking hot and it doesn't look like she's had any plastic surgery. The afro-Arab staring at her throughout the song cracks me up.

قالت عينيك حاجة و حسيت اني محتاجة تاخدني - Your eyes said something and I felt that I needed you to take me
في حضنك انت وانسا كل الدنيا دي - and hug me and forget this whole world

  • تاخدني في حضنك انت - Literally this mean "take me into your bosom"

بيروح خيالي معاك بعيد بحلم كتير - With you, my imagination goes far away and I dream a lot
بس الأكيد إنك حبيبي الي ياما حلمت بيه - but you are definitely my love that I have always dreamed of

  • ياما - always

بتمنى اعيش في قربك و اتهنى - I wish to live close to you and be happy
و تبعد الأحزان عنا - and that you keep the sadness away from us
أنا و انت - me and you

هستنا ياخدني حبك للجنة - I will wait for your love to take me to paradise
و تضحك الدنيا عشانا - and the world will laugh for us
يا ترى إمتى - I wonder when

  • هستنا - remember that the ه at the beginning is for future tense so, "I will wait"
  • يا ترى - here the يا isn't referring to anyone. It's just a saying that means "I wonder". There is also يا ريت which means "if only"

بحلم تكون لي وتملا دنيتي عليا - I dream that you will be mine and fill my world
و نفسي يا حبيبي أقولك إنت بالنسبالي ايه - and I want to tell you, my love, how much you
mean to me
  • إنت بالنسبالي ايه - Literally "what you are in relation to me"
شايفا في عينيك أجمل كلام - I see the most beautiful speech in your eyes
مستني ايه؟ ما تقول قوام - Why are you waiting? Why don't you say it quickly?
بداري حبك يا حبيبي عني ليه - why are you hiding your love from me?

  • ما تقول قوام - Literally "don't say quickly", but it means "why don't you say it quickly" or "you aren't saying it quickly", referring to the "beautiful speech" in his eyes.
  • بداري - hiding