The song لبناني (Lebanese) by عاصي الحلاني (Asi El Hillani) was released after the 2008 election in Lebanon and was an immediate hit. It's a nationalistic song about Lebanese heritage and how people from Lebanon should be proud to be Lebanese. To me Asi Al Hellani sounds a lot like فارس كرم (Fares Karam). They both sing in really deep voices and have the same kind of accent, but I like Fares Karam so it's not a bad thing. Here is the song along with the lyrics and translation. I'm sure you'll enjoy it... unless maybe you're Syrian. Just kidding. :P
غطي الشمس بفي جبينك
Cover the sun (light) with the shade of your brow
بيحقلك وطنك دينك
Your country and your religion are your rights
لو هالدني سألت مينك؟
قلن انك لبناني
If this world asked, "Who are you?" Tell them that you're Lebanese
بطل السلم و بطل الحرب
Hero of peace and hero of war
همزة وصل الشرق الغرب
The connector between the east and the west
تتظل تحب و تنحب
To continue loving and being loved
بيكفي انك لبناني
It's enough that you're Lebanese
لبناني و مطرح ما تروح
Lebanese and everywhere you go
حامل وطنك قلب و روح
You carry your country with your heart and soul
و منك عطر المجد يفوح
And from you the perfume of glory wafts
عطر التراب اللبناني
The perfume of the Lebanese soil
لبناني و كلما بتطل
Lebanese and whenever you appear
بتوزع حبك عالكل
You spread your love to everyone
و الإيدين عليك تدل
And your two hands point out
و تعرف انك لبناني
And know that you are Lebanese
لبناني و اسمك مكتوب
Lebanese and your name is written
ع حد السيف المسحوب
On the blade of the unsheathed sword
لون حروفه حبر قلوب
The color of its letters is the ink of hearts
كلمة وحدة لبناني
One word, Lebanese
لبناني و تسلم هالإيد
Lebanese and bless your hands
اللي بتعرف تعطي و تزيد
That know how to give and exceed
و تخلق بعد الأزمة عيد
And create a holiday after the crisis
و عيد المجد اللبناني
The holiday of the Lebanese glory
غطي الشمس بفي جبينك
Cover the sun (light) with the shade of your brow
بيحقلك وطنك دينك
Your country and your religion are your rights
لو هالدنيي سألت مينك؟
قلن انك لبناني
If this world asked, "Who are you?" Tell them that you're Lebanese
This is a great learning tool. Thanks very much for your passion and energy!
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know that Assi is not syrian hatful like some hariri fans & extrem far right wing lebanese.
ReplyDeleteI let you see
nice site, do you have any suggestions for reading arabic in MSA, meaning based off the context when you don't know all the vocabulary?? thanks
ReplyDeleteHouari, I watched that video in the link and you are right. It seems he still doesn't like Israel very much though :P
ReplyDeleteI need help, it's hard to give tips on how to guess what words mean based on context. It's something that just comes with practice. Also, as you learn more and more words and have fewer and fewer words that you don't know you'll be able to fill in the blanks more easily. Like in English when you don't know a word it's often easy to guess the meaning because you know ALL the other words around it. Once you know a lot of Arabic words then it becomes easier to guess the meaning of unknown words.
Eastern Approaches, thanks much for the kind words :D
Great work Mr Arabic Student =). As a lebanese person, I am proud to say that you have hit the nail right on the head with your translation. Well done!
ReplyDeleteI love the syrian comment too! Poor Assi, he is probably on the hit list now for being TOO patriotic! Ya 7aram.
He's a good man and this song struck chords with Christians and Muslims alike!
Love your website! I am trying to teach myself Arabic primarily using Rosetta Stone. I visit your wbsite often, I feel its very helpful.
ReplyDeleteCan you please translate the words the little song Hellani sings at the end of "Libnani"?