
Levantine Arabic - to happen صار

The word صار is one of the most important words to understand in Levantine Arabic because it is used all the time. It's used in all the Levant countries, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine, but least used in Jordan. The word is used to mean "to happen" and also has to do with time in some sentences. The example sentences should clear up the word for you. You will also hear the form of this word صاير (saayir) for example in the sentence شو صاير which means the same thing as شو عم بيصير. It's present tense.

Example sentences:
1. شو عم بيصير = What's going on?
2. رح كون جمبك شو ما صار = I will be by your side no matter what happens.
3. قدي صارلك بلبنان؟ = How long have you been in Lebanon?
4. صارلك شهرين غايب عني = You've been away from me for 2 months.


  1. Good lesson! You could have Ma Sar (think it means something like 'like never before' or 'it hadn't happened before' or 'incomparable') too like Haifa Wehbe's techno song which I love :)

  2. Just would like to add a bit to your splendid video:)

    صار=يِصِر begin

    صار يفهم=(Saar byefham)began to understand become

    صرت اطول مني=(Sert aTwal menee)=You are taller than me happen ,to turn out

    صار معه حادث=Saar ma3o 7aades
    He had an accident(that happened with him) is been

    صارلي سنة ما شوفت اهلي=Saar-le sana ma shooft ahlee=It is been a yeas since I last saw my family.


  3. There are so many uses for this word! :)

    It's a very important one to understand.

  4. These "word of the day" videos are fantastic, Arabic Student! You are now my main source for learning Levantine Arabic on the internet... I think it's a great idea to explain some Levantine grammar along with the new words as you did today with 3am, and to compare it with MSA grammar.

    Talking of MSA, I think it would be a good idea to emphasize the links with MSA more often as I guess (almost) everyone learning Levantine is also learning MSA on the side (or has learnt MSA at some point).

    So when learning these new words/grammar it's interesting to understand when Levantine stems from MSA and when it has nothing to do with it, I believe that would help a lot of people learn faster.

    BTW I believe you made a small mistake in your MSA translation of "I'm running", that would be "ana arkud", not "ana barkud" (as you know the "b" is dialect, maybe that would be worth explaining in a future video...)

  5. You're doing a great job, mate, so I felt its time to let you know that I've been using your postings to supplement my own studies of levantine Arabic, especially after they've progressed from basic stuff.

    Using links to TV programmes, music, YouTube clips, etc are all very useful. So are your Words and Phrases clips. I'm familiar with many of the words, but there are always new words & expressions as well. Loved your postings on swear words, picking up a chick etc, as they all represent living Arabic as it is actually used and spoken, and are nothing to shy away from.

    I'm curious about how you are learning this colloquial arabic, as I read in your blog that you've never travelled to Syria, Lebanon - Is that correct? If so, then I have all the more respect for your Arabic skills.

    I've studied MSA, then did focused on Gulf dialect for 5 years, and now 15 years later, I've decided to come back to Arabic but am focussing on levantine dialect with emphasis on Syrian.

    Keep up the good work, and l look forward to more Levantine colloquialisms.

  6. Jaz, yeah, "ma sar" by itself is just "it didn't happen", but when you have other context around it can take on different shades like what you said.

    Czarek, thank you for those extra example sentences. They are very good.

    Anon, yes I try to compare to MSA when I think of it because I know that in universities they don't really teach dialect much which is wrong in my opinion. I know what it's like to know MSA and no dialects and I would much rather have it the other way around.

    Matie, I try to use authentic stuff as much as possible. My favorite way to learn is to watch TV and when I don't understand something to have someone to ask. That way you're getting all authentic language and not phrases that have been sterilized and slowed down, etc. I don't like focusing on grammar at all. I figure that's just something you pick up with exposure to many hours of real input.

    I've been to Jordan for a total of 2.5 months. The first time I went I only knew a little MSA so I was basically lost. The second time I understood most things, but if I had a taxi driver who was mumbling or using a lot of colloquial Jordanian I would get lost. I've never been anywhere else in the Arab world.

    Gulf dialect is something I am weak in. I never really focused on it and when I watch Saudi TV shows a lot of it just washes over me.

    I'm glad this blog can help you with some Levantine.

  7. Please keep doing these Levantine 'word of the day' videos. Really clear and very useful!
